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Three PRP Treatments That Are Revolutionizing Skincare

Published: 08/30/2017
Three PRP Treatments That Are Revolutionizing Skincare

While there are thousands of skincare centers nationwide offering at least one PRP treatment for their customers, most of them doesn’t go beyond the PRP Micro Pigmentation treatment popularized by Kim Kardashian. The reason is – it is the simplest of all Platelet-Rich Plasma aesthetic treatments around and also the most sought-after treatment. This is all good until they realize the immense potential of PRP treatments. What they’re missing out on is the fact that once you’ve made the investment for Platelet-Rich Plasma which includes a centrifuge, PRP kits and staff training, they can start offering a whole suite of treatments for their clients.

Three PRP Treatments That Are Revolutionizing Skincare

Platelet-Rich Plasma’s Quiet Revolution In The Skincare World

One great thing about PRP treatments is that the protocol for obtaining high quality Platelet-Rich Plasma is the same regardless of its application. Whether its joint injuries, osteoarthritis, bone healing, spinal disc regeneration or skin rejuvenation, the process is the same: draw up to 20cc blood from the patient, place it into the centrifuge which concentrates the platelets and then draw out the Platelet-Rich Plasma for immediate application. This simple process coupled with PRP’s vast scope of healing makes it one of the most significant advances in modern medicine. In fact, one physician, Dr. Lewis Maharam M.D. aka The Running Doc, who regularly writes for New York Daily News calls it “the greatest innovation since the invention of MRI.”

That applies to skincare as well. The Platelet-Rich Plasma you obtain from your clients can be used for a number of treatments, the demand for which are only growing. Here are a few ideas – these are probably the most popular/cutting-edge PRP treatments performed by dermatologists and plastic surgeons.

1. Facial Skin Augmentation With Fillers

The topical application of Platelet-Rich Plasma with Micro Pigmentation can help regenerate the degrading skin cells and promote collagen production to keep skin plump and supple. This basic process may be enough for some of your clients. But those who’re looking for more than just skin rejuvenation, you may have to go deeper. To augment the face with natural, feminine volume, you’re going to have to inject Platelet-Rich Plasma deeper into the dermis. This will supply the growth factors to the degraded dermal tissues under the surface.

For volume though, you’ll need a filler. You can either go for a Platelet-Poor Plasma (PPP) based filler (PPP is the left-over from the Platelet-Rich Plasma process – you can read about the process in detail here.) or you can use any Hyaluronic Acid filler like Restylane Lyft.

This combination injection treatment has been proven to work well. One study by Dr. Daniel Sister analyzes the effect of a combination of platelet rich plasma, hyaluronic acid, and succinic acid for facial augmentation. The treatment showed 100% success rate.

The combination treatment seems to be evolving into a new standard in facial augmentation. It’s definitely seeing growing demand.

Three PRP Treatments That Are Revolutionizing Skincare

2. RePigmentation And Vitiligo Correction With CO2 Laser

Companies spend millions of dollars on research to turn defective cells healthy and to increase the skin’s collagen production. They are looking into DNA technology to pull this off. But adding Platelet-Rich Plasma to existing treatment methods may be a simple and effective way to achieve the same results. Scientists from Cairo, Egypt had recently proven that adding PRP injections to fractional CO2 laser treatment for correcting vitiligo can boost the results by 4X compared to just using the laser alone. This is great news because given that CO2 laser can also be used to treat facial wrinkles, age spots, and acne scars, it seems we can significantly boost the results by combining it with PRP injections.

And if PRP is capable of boosting the effects of CO2 lasers, chances are, it can do the same for some of the other facial resurfacing treatments that you already offer your clients. Isn’t that an amazing opportunity… to offer the same treatments you’ve been administering for years – but only this time it’s significantly more effective with a secret biologic hack? Hundreds of skincare clinics are just doing that. It’s time to get on the bandwagon and start surprising your clients.

Three PRP Treatments That Are Revolutionizing Skincare

As one of our friend-clinic owner says, PRP treatments have been a big boon to the business (PRP treatment has a 100% “worth it” rating on real self) as even people who’d had total skin resurfacing have responded well with it.

3. Hair Rejuvenation With Auto-injection

Mesotherapy is a well-known treatment that uses painless micro-injections for delivering active ingredients evenly to skin surface. This novel procedure has a reputation for improving the quality results obtained by traditional skin rejuvenation substances like vitamins and peptides. And as many skincare clinics have discovered, there could never have been a more synergistic technology than this for Platelet-Rich Plasma. The Meso Gun, as we call it, can be used to deliver an even amount of Platelet-Rich Plasma to the face, neck, chest, and hands for rejuvenation and reduction of wrinkles and discoloration, to thighs and tummy for treatment of cellulite and stretch marks, and to the scalp for the treatment of hair loss.

The big winner from this pairing of technologies is the hair loss treatment. Platelet-Rich Plasma when administered on the scalp using Mesotherapy works as an “elixir for hair growth” – and here’s a recent peer-reviewed study on Stemcell investigation journal that confirms this. Hair loss treatment is one of the examples where PRP treatment has exceeded the expectations set by the industry.

That’s why we believe this is one of the treatments that every skincare clinic should offer. Hair-loss and thinning of hair affects both men and women and is one of the most popular cause of worry for your clients. It complements the skincare treatments you offer and you’ll see many of your clients thanking you for that.

Contact us at (844) 377-7787 for more information on the Mesotherapy gun.

If You’ve Never Heard Of These PRP Treatments

Some of these treatments are so new – you may have never heard of them before. And that’s a sign that you should offer them immediately. If you have joined the Platelet-Rich Plasma bandwagon, it’s only intuitive to expand your offerings from just a PRP Micro Pigmentation treatment to these in-demand procedures. You can do this with very little changes, if any, to your existing Platelet-Rich Plasma setup. And chances are they will pair well with other treatments you offer whether it’s Kybella injections, Photo laser treatments or dermal fillers.

And if you aren’t offering Platelet-Rich Plasma yet, this post illustrates a whole lot of reasons why you should be. The demand is only getting stronger. The earlier you join, the more you’re likely to prosper from this incredible breakthrough of modern medical science.

Three PRP Treatments That Are Revolutionizing Skincare

Are You Maximizing Your Clinic’s Potential With PRP?

If you’re getting started right now, give us a call at (844) 377-7787 or head on to our shop to setup your clinic with the right things for Platelet-Rich Plasma. Our proprietary PRP kit makes the Platelet-Rich Plasma extraction process super efficient and produces high quality PRP in far less time than it would take otherwise. You can read more about our PRP Kits here.

Platelet-Rich Plasma is the blockchain of self-healing and it’s here to stay. It will become best friends with almost every aging man and woman either through their need to reverse aging effects or the need to heal musculoskeletal issues. And both group of people will start putting trust in it once they’ve had a chance to try it. That’s why demand for PRP has skyrocketed organically – without the big pharma advertising dollars – over the past few years.

The question is, are you willing to seize its potential?