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PRP for Melasma

Published: 09/28/2020
PRP for Melasma

Used in regenerative medicine, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a concentration of platelets that relies on growth factors to heal injuries, treat conditions, and address aesthetic issues like wrinkles and hair loss.

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy can also be used to address Melasma. The condition can leave discolored patches on a patient’s skin, like the face, neck, and forearms.

Providing PRP procedures for Melasma may reduce the color of the patches, and the effects may last for several months. Also, the patient can return for additional sessions if symptoms return.

Does PRP Work For Melasma?

Research suggests that applying PRP injections into Melasma-affected skin can help treat the condition.

A possible way that a PRP treatment may help Melasma is through the growth factor transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β). The platelets in PRP release growth factors and TGF-β may reduce pigmentation.

Performing PRP Injections for Melasma

PRP for Melasma is prepared by centrifuging (spinning) a sample of the patient’s blood to separate the Platelet Rich Plasma from the Platelet Poor Plasma and Red Blood Cells. The Platelets are then injected into the patient’s skin.

Your patient may require several treatments spaced weeks apart over several months. However, the number of PRP injections and the treatment duration may vary.

The injections may cause mild, temporary bruising. The patient may need a special cleanser or moisturizer as part of their aftercare. Sunscreen is always advisable and sun exposure should be avoided when possible.

The effects of the PRP treatment for hyperpigmentation might last for as long as 6 months. Your patient may require additional treatment sessions if the Melasma symptoms reappear.