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PRP Treatment for Frozen Shoulder

Published: 09/28/2020
PRP Treatment for Frozen Shoulder

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a preparation of concentrated platelets. Formulated from your blood, PRP is injected into problem areas on your body to treat certain conditions and injuries.

There is research to suggest that PRP Therapy can be used to treat Frozen Shoulder. A PRP injection for Frozen Shoulder may be able to help rid symptoms of joint conditions, such as pain and lack of mobility.

Read on for additional information on PRP treatment for Frozen Shoulder.

What Is “Frozen Shoulder”?

Also known as adhesive capsulitis, Frozen Shoulder is a condition that’s typically caused by shoulder joint injuries (like rotator cuff tendinitis).

The inflammation from the injury leads to symptoms like shoulder pain, stiffness, and reduced range of motion. Frozen shoulder may also be caused by surgery, or might be spontaneous.

Why Consider PRP for Frozen Shoulder?

PRP can be used to address a variety of joint injuries, such as those in the wrist, elbow, and shoulder.

PRP may be better at treating severe cases of Frozen Shoulder than protocols like physical therapy and medication.

Effects of PRP for Frozen Shoulder

The following are some effects of PRP therapy for Frozen Shoulder found in research:

  • in one study 20 patients, found PRP injections to create a reduction in pain, increased range of motion, and strengthening of abduction (though some patients reported heightened pain and reduced range of motion at first for two or three days after the injection)
  • another study reported nine patients ages 18-75 received a PRP injection and noticed increased range of motion and functional recovery over following 12 weeks
  • and still, in another case study where a patient received two injections, one during the 7th and 8th months after symptoms developed, resulted in pain reduction during the day and zero pain at night, plus improved range of motion

Finding a treatment for your Frozen Shoulder is likely beneficial in the long run. Frozen Shoulder may take as long as two-three years to resolve on its own. In some patients, its effects may be permanent after three years.