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PRP for Osteoporosis

PRP for Osteoporosis

Our bones are made up of living, growing tissue that changes throughout our lifespan. Osteoporosis occurs when bone loses its density, causing it to become brittle and weak. The loss of bone strength means those with osteoporosis are at a very high risk of fractures.

Fortunately, platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is a rapidly emerging therapy that can be used to enhance bone quality in osteoporosis and accelerate healing in osteoporotic fractures.

Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) shows that osteoporosis affects more than 200 million people worldwide. Women in particular have a 30-40% risk of having an osteoporotic fracture within their lifetime.1

Osteoporosis-related fractures most often occur in the hip, wrist, and vertebrae in the spine. Preventing fractures is of utmost importance when treating patients with osteoporosis since fractures can lead to loss of mobility, independence, and can even cause other medical problems.

Fractures also present unique challenges to the surgeon managing the fracture. While the osteoporotic fracture undergoes the same process of healing as a normal fracture, fractures in osteoporotic bone are much slower to heal than in normal bone.

Bone Healing

Bone healing is a process with three overlapping stages:

  1. Inflammation
  2. Bone formation
  3. Bone resorption (remodeling)

Bone healing requires a delicate balance between these stages. Bone loss from osteoporosis occurs when bone resorption exceeds bone formation. Osteoporotic fractures are so slow to heal because of this reduction in bone formation – as well as the reduction in bone mineral density inherent in osteoporosis.2

During normal bone healing, platelets deliver growth factors that stimulate the healing activity of the bone's cells. But in osteoporosis, the balance is already tipped away from the bone formation phase, resulting in reduced bone formation and reduced healing.

Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, can be used to increase the supply of growth factors available to the bone's cells. In this way, the platelet-rich plasma accelerates bone healing. PRP also boasts a strong safety profile with no known adverse effects.3

But how does it work? PRP assists in bone regeneration by stimulating the body's innate healing cascade. When we experience an injury, our body responds by delivering a rush of platelets. When these platelets are activated, they release several types of growth factors, proteins, and cytokines that play a fundamental role in cell regeneration and tissue healing.

But PRP takes the natural healing response one step further by separating platelets from other blood components and concentrating them. This specially prepared platelet-rich plasma contains 5 to 10 times the concentration of platelets found in whole blood. The concentrated PRP is then delivered into and around the site of injury via injection, stimulating and significantly strengthening the body's healing response.4

Recent research indicates that PRP enhances bone microarchitecture in osteoporosis.5

Likewise, research has shown that medium-concentration PRP can effectively enhance the healing of osteoporotic fractures when transplanted into the fracture zone.6 And since PRP is an autologous therapy, using the patient's own blood product, there is no risk of cross reactivity, disease transmission, or immune reaction.

Platelet-rich plasma concentrations can be uniquely prepared to meet the needs of the patient and the problem being treated.


To create a platelet-rich plasma preparation, the following steps are performed:

  1. A small sample of blood is drawn from the patient and injected into the Dr. PRP blood tube.
  2. The platelets are then separated from the other blood components and their concentration is increased using the Dr. PRP centrifuge and by removing some of the plasma.
  3. The resulting platelet-rich plasma is then injected into and around the injured site of the patient.
  4. The concentrated growth factors contained in the plasma trigger a mild inflammatory response which effectively jump starts the body's own natural healing response.

The entire process takes approximately one hour, including preparation and recovery time. For a complete demonstration of each step of the process, view our instructional video.

How To Use Dr. PRP Kits


The Dr. PRP is an FDA-cleared medical device, holding the esteemed 510K clearance, meticulously designed to prepare patients' blood for PRP therapy quickly and efficiently.

Our patented design creates high-concentration and high-quality platelet-rich plasma that your physician can use to help stimulate the healing process. This results in bone cell growth and tissue regeneration at the injured site.




  • Completely closed, sterile system.
  • Outside air is blocked with a double safety cap.
  • Since the processing is completed within the closed system, there is no risk of the PRP becoming contaminated.


  • Each kit comes pre-packaged.
  • The clear chambers ensure that you can see all the components of the blood sample.
  • The buffy coat layer is easily seen in the neck of the device, allowing you to precisely separate the components into the type of PRP you wish to produce.
  • You can even eliminate red blood cells from your final PRP product.


  • The closed system allows for more treatments in less time.
  • Customize your final PRP composition for use in different situations.
  • The PRP can and should be administered as soon as you prepare it with our kit – no advanced preparation is needed.


  • One kit holds 20 cc of fluid (3 cc of anticoagulant + 17 cc of whole blood) and produces 4 cc of highly concentrated PRP.
  • The platelet recovery percentage of Dr. PRP is higher than the minimum recovery percentage of other similar products from our competitors.


  • Platelets require red and white blood cells to survive long-term. Unlike gel separators that capture the platelets within the gel, our kit allows you to accurately create consistently efficient PRP at the concentrations you want.


  • Our kit can recover over 90% of platelets from a blood sample to produce the highest quality PRP.


  • The kit is now proudly holding the FDA 510K clearance.


  • According to the ISO 13485, our kit is made with a thorough gamma-ray sterilization system.
  • Made only with biocompatibility-certification completed raw materials.


  • One-on-one, in-service training is provided via GoToTraining, FaceTime, or Zoom.
  • User Manual with photos and descriptions detail how to use your new product, as well as information on PRP and test results.
  • Enroll in our Platelet-Rich Plasma CME Certification course where you can learn cosmetic applications of PRP, including the PRP Facial and PRP Facelift.


  • Order marketing materials and educational brochures for your patients. These brochures explain various applications of PRP, such as sports medicine and hair regeneration.
  • Add your contact information and location to our Directory of PRP Providers.

To view and order Dr. PRP kits and centrifuges, visit our online store.

For questions and to discuss our products in more detail, contact us today at 844-377-7787 (DR- PRP-US).

  1. Ajai Singh, Sabir Ali, Rajeshwar N Srivastava. "Platelet-rich plasma in osteoporotic fractures: A review of literature." Journal of Orthopedics, Traumatology and Rehabilitation. Volume 7, Issue 2 (2014): 123-138. Accessed 18 June 2021.;year=2014;volume=7;issue=2;spage=123;epage=138;aulast=Singh#ref2
  2. Ajai Singh, Sabir Ali, Rajeshwar N Srivastava. "Platelet-rich plasma in osteoporotic fractures: A review of literature." Journal of Orthopedics, Traumatology and Rehabilitation. Volume 7, Issue 2 (2014): 123-138. Accessed 18 June 2021.;year=2014;volume=7;issue=2;spage=123;epage=138;aulast=Singh#ref2
  3. Peter Everts, Kentaro Onishi, Prathap Jayaram, José Fábio Lana, and Kenneth Mautner. "Platelet-Rich Plasma: New Performance Understandings and Therapeutic Considerations in 2020" International Journal of Molecular Sciences. (October 2021). Accessed 18 June 2021.
  4. "PRP Injections for Pain." American Academy / Association of Orthopedic Medicine Accessed 18 June 2021.
  5. Bo Wei, Chengshuo Huang, Mingyan Zhao, Peng Li, Xiang Gao, Junchao Kong, Yanru Niu, Rui Huang, Juanhua Quan, Jinsong Wei, Jiaqi Chu. "Effect of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Platelet-Rich Plasma on the Bone Healing of Ovariectomized Rats." Stem Cells International (November 2016) Accessed 18 June 2021. doi: 10.1155/2016/9458396.
  6. Linwei Chen, Xiaobo Yang, Gao Huang, Dianwen Song, Xue-Shi Ye, Huazi Xu, Wanli Li. "Platelet-rich plasma promotes healing of osteoporotic fractures." Orthopedics (June 2013) Accessed 18 June 2021. doi: 10.3928/01477447-20130523-10.