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PRP Post Procedure Guidelines

Published: 03/24/2023

Give Your Patients the Best Chance at Success With Dr. PRP

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy can change your patients’ lives in a matter of weeks. But to maximize outcome, you need to give PRP a chance to do what it does best.

That’s why we recommend patients follow certain instructions after their procedures. Below you’ll find our general post-procedure guidelines, which can be tailored to the specific treatment plan for each of your patients.

General Post-Procedure Guidelines

Days 0-3

  • We highly recommend patients have someone drive them home after the procedure. Patients should avoid running errands or participating in strenuous physical activities, including those that can get the treated area wet. Have the patient focus on gentle and limited movement.
  • Patients must not touch, rub, press, or scrub the injection area for 24 hours after the procedure. Mild cleansers with lukewarm water may be used on the face. Instruct patients to also avoid direct heat to the treated area, such as from a blow dryer or a hot bath.
  • Instruct patients to not use any lotions or creams for 24 hours following the procedure. Afterwards, we recommend patients begin using our new Cellulam Post-Procedure Lotion. The 3 key enzymes in the Cellulam Post-Procedure Lotion work synergistically to enhance the benefits of PRP.
  • Some patients may experience swelling and increased irritation in the treated area. This is a sign the PRP is working and should resolve over the first few days. Patients may apply ice to the injection site for about 15 minutes 3 to 4 times a day, though we recommend limiting doing so as much as possible. Patients experiencing severe pain may take Tylenol as needed.
  • Patients should avoid taking blood-thinning medications, supplements, herbs, or vitamins for 3 to 4 days after the procedure.
  • Patients should avoid taking systemic steroids (oral or inhaled) for at least 2 weeks following a PRP procedure.
  • Alcoholic beverages must not be consumed for the first 7 days following a PRP procedure.
  • Smoking can delay healing and increase the risk of complications.
  • Advise patients to drink plenty of water every day.

Days 4-14

  • Patients may gradually increase their daily activities, but they should still limit weight-bearing activities as much as possible. They may do light aerobic exercises and gentle stretching. Proper exercise can maximize the effects of PRP.
  • Continue avoiding systemic steroids, many types of NSAIDs, and other anti-inflammatories. Patients experiencing pain may take Tylenol. Limit ice applications.
  • Patients should continue avoiding alcohol during this phase.

Weeks 3-5

  • As with earlier phases, advise patients to avoid many types of anti-inflammatory medications. They should also continue limiting ice applications.
  • At this point, have your patients start physical therapy. This will help support the healing process and prevent re-injury.
  • Gradually progress with weight-bearing activities.

Weeks 6-12

  • In this final phase, we recommend patients continue to restrict the use of anti-inflammatory medications and ice as much as possible.
  • Patients may begin to incorporate more eccentric exercises and return to normal activities.

Frequently Asked Questions

For how long should you avoid anti-inflammatory medications like NSAIDs after a PRP procedure?

PRP promotes healing by delivering a high concentration of growth factors to damaged tissues. It can also augment the natural healing process via mitogenesis. To do so, platelets need to be activated, a process that begins with the binding of agonists to platelet G-protein-coupled receptors or immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif complexes.1 This process leads to the release of growth factors through platelet degranulation.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are thought to block this release of growth factors. Specifically, NSAIDs impair the binding of thromboxane-A2 that allows for platelet activation.2 In other words, NSAIDs can block the healing ability of PRP.

This is why many NSAIDs and other anti-inflammatory drugs should be suspended prior to PRP therapy. However, patients may continue COX-2-selective NSAIDs and statins since they don’t affect platelet aggregation.3

Patients should be advised on a case-by-case basis for pre- and post-procedure instructions. In general, Dr. PRP recommends avoiding NSAIDs for at least 5 days before and up to 12 weeks after a PRP procedure.

Can you do PRP at home?

PRP requires extensive preparation and the right equipment. While patients may be tempted to treat themselves with PRP at home, please advise them not to do so. Only trained medical professionals know the PRP concentration required for a specific condition and how to properly administer the PRP treatment.

Even with the right equipment, self-treating with a PRP injection can be dangerous. Patients may suffer nerve injuries, infections, vision loss, and even death.

How long does PRP last?

Results may vary from patient to patient, but clinical studies have shown that the benefits of PRP therapy can last up to 9 months. Some studies have shown results lasting 12 months or longer. Naturally, more severe or complex conditions may decrease the duration. PRP’s efficacy can also be affected by the patient’s overall health – the healthier the patient, the better the results. Lastly, the body’s response to PRP treatment can affect its efficacy.

Give Your Patients the Best Chance at Success With Dr. PRP

As a healthcare professional, you know all too well that a patient’s compliance with post-procedure instructions can make a huge difference in their clinical outcome.

At Dr. PRP, we couldn’t agree more. But the truth is that following instructions to the T won’t matter much if the PRP quality is poor in the first place.

Dr. PRP kits are designed to deliver high quality PRP every time. Because Dr. PRP kits have clear chambers, you can be much more precise in producing the PRP you want for your patients.

Check out our kits and centrifuges, and discover why so many of your colleagues are choosing Dr. PRP over our competitors. You can also call us at (844) 377-7787 (DR-PRP-US) and we’d be happy to answer your questions.