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PRP for Ovarian Rejuvenation

Published: 10/26/2020
PRP for Ovarian Rejuvenation

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a concentration of platelets prepared from a patient's own blood sample. The protocol is used to address aesthetic issues like hair loss and injuries like osteoporotic fractures, damaged ligaments and tendons.

PRP has also been used as infertility support for menopausal women. Research has gone into finding the effects of PRP’s on ovarian reserve and endometrial thickness.

Whether injected into the ovaries or the uterus, PRP may help patients who are unable to conceive or achieve pregnancies. See the studies and their findings below.

What is PRP for Ovarian Rejuvenation?

PRP for Ovarian Rejuvenation treatment protocol is used to enhance a woman’s chance of achieving birth.

Preparing PRP involves collecting a blood sample from the patient and then spinning it in a centrifuge to separate the platelets from the rest of the blood components.

PRP for Ovarian Reserve

When injected into the ovaries, PRP may stimulate stem cells to develop into eggs. Ovarian Rejuvenation with PRP may be beneficial for women who want to have a baby but are going through menopause or premature menopause.

According to the literature, Ovarian Rejuvenation is additionally used to help patients with low ovarian reserve, those with premature ovarian failure, and infertile women over the age of 35.

Eight women who were perimenopausal/had premature ovarian failure with poor ovarian reserve underwent PRP injections with ultrasound guidance. They found success 1-3 months later, ultimately resulting in cryopreserved embryos.

PRP for Endometrial Thickness

Numerous studies have been done on PRP’s role on endometrium thickness and the effects on pregnancy. A thick endometrium is necessary for successful embryo implantation.

Such studies include:

  • In a study on intrauterine (within the uterus) PRP infusion’s effect on endometrial thickness after hormone replacement therapy, all participants experienced endometrial expansion and pregnancy after PRP with in vitro fertilization.
  • Five out of 10 women with thin endometrium who underwent intrauterine PRP infusion achieved pregnancy with embryo transfer, and all patients experienced heightened endometrial thickness.
  • When eight patients with poor endometrial quality were treated with PRP, two babies were born from embryo transfers due to endometrial thickness.
  • In a study analyzing patients with repeated implantation failure who underwent frozen-thawed embryo transfers, intrauterine PRP treatment raised endometrial thickness two days afterward, and that the protocol raised clinical pregnancy rates and live birth rates.